About Corsair Land:

In its current state the game is very enjoyable. Whilst there is certainly room for improvement -Watch towers often do not build on slanted surfaces, builders are at times slow to respond to priority requests, some events would benefit from better clarification such as the event wherein a building is built upon a grave, it would be helpful to know which building it is before deciding to keep building or destroy it- the game is easy to navigate along with being enjoyable and rewarding to play. SandBox Free Gamepass At this point in the development it is my hope that the game as is, retains most of its current structure in terms of economy and play-ability and not get overly complicated/fussy. Some form of story. quests, challenges, etc, would greatly benefit the game. Additionally, I would love to see a way to monitor village consumption rates as we can currently only see our warehouse stocks but cannot see production or consumption rates.

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